Modern life, especially in big cities, has caused many people to constantly face pressure. When pressure gradually becomes an inevitable part of work and life, seeking counseling & psychotherapy services is considered an effective solution to take care of your mental health.

What are Counseling & Psychotherapy Services?

Counseling & psychotherapy services are the professional psychological support service, helping clients see problems and have better solutions than when they're dealing with the problems on their own.

Usually, when encountering problems in life such as mood issues, family conflicts, stress at work, etc. we often seek help from friends or our loved ones. These are considered unprofessional forms of psychological support. When being with our close friends or relatives, we have a safe space to share, but the advice and the perspective from them can be subjective, carry many prejudices, and may not help us approach the problem effectively.

With professional psychological support services, clients have the opportunity to “vent" without facing judgment. With professional knowledge and skills such as active listening, interviewing, reflection, and empathic dialogue, psychologists and mental health professionals will help clients comfortably discuss and face psychological difficulties directly. During these sessions, clients have the chance to:

Benefits of Using the Counseling & Psychotherapy Services

There are many benefits that cannot be ignored when using professional psychological support services, such as:

Having enough time to observe and acknowledge mental health problems is not easy. Therefore, investing time and money to address and discuss the problem with professionals can help clients solve it effectively, as well as gain more skills to cope with mental difficulties in the future.

When Do We Need to See the Psychologist?

If you suspect you have a mental health issue that is adversely affecting your daily functioning and you don’t think you can overcome it yourself, that's when you can consider seeking help from a mental health professional.

You can seek counseling & psychotherapy services when you are experiencing trauma or are struggling with erratic, difficult-to-control emotions for a prolonged period of time, possibly leading to:

You may need to seek professional help when you notice symptoms such as:

When you have conflicts around close relationships, you may also want to talk to psychologists to seek emotional, marriage, and family advice:

When a traumatic, unexpected event occurs, such as an accident, witnessing the death of a loved one, the trauma of being abused or bullied, etc., and you cannot overcome the obsession, consider taking counseling & psychotherapy services.

In addition, information about mental disorders on the Internet can be ambiguous, confusing, and inaccurate, so you may not know whether you have a mental disorder. Instead of researching and self-diagnosing, you can meet with a psychologist to get the appropriate answer from the professionals.

Some Typical Counseling & Psychotherapy Services

Based on clients’ needs, psychological centers and institutes currently provide three popular types of services, as follows:

Counseling & Psychotherapy Services for Individuals

For individual clients, this service supports a variety of issues for different types of clients, based on their age, their personal issues or mental issues, the challenges they're facing in their lives, etc.

Based on the client's age, we have mental health services for children, teenagers, young adults, and even middle-aged people. Each group is likely to have specific issues in their developmental stages that may require psychologists who are experienced in working with this type of client. For example, some psychologists only work with children under 18 years old.

For mental health issues, each client may need a personalized plan for counseling and psychotherapy to ensure effectiveness. Based on their issues and preferences, the psychologist may choose the right intervention plan and therapy methods, as well as estimate the number of sessions, to work well with their clients.

There are many variations and challenges in life that make us suffer and have a hard time trying to adapt or get over. These can be unexpected, like injury, accident, violence or abuse, or witnessing the death of a loved one. Sometimes, they're important life events such as getting married, becoming a parent, or changes in workplaces, examinations, etc. No one has the same way to cope with or respond to changes in life. Seeking help from psychologists, who have many years of experience dealing with similar issues, can be a helpful option. For example, there are many psychologists who only specialize in marital, emotional, and family counseling services.

School Counseling Services

More and more schools of all academic levels in Vietnam are aware of the importance of school mental health care services to take care of their students' well-being. The counseling/school psychology office is where students can receive psychological support from psychologists who are experts about age-related issues as well as general issues in learning and personal development orientation.

Some schools, which have yet to fully establish their own counseling offices, may therefore outsource these services to the psychology institute or mental health care center. These schools can have psychologists working seasonally or by contract at school.

School psychologists often focus on solving common age-related problems or problems surrounding school, where children spend most of their time interacting during the day. These could be issues such as:

Counseling Services for Businesses

Counseling and psychotherapy services for businesses are often provided by mental health centers, psychology institutes, or human resources centers, aiming to support people working in an organization or business. The goal of these services is to support work-related psychological issues, thereby helping businesses build a healthy, productive working environment and team rapport. Based on the needs of each business, psychologists can provide individual or group counseling sessions.

How Do Counseling & Psychotherapy Services Work?

In general, this service is delivered through a process where psychologists and clients solve problems together through sessions. This process can be divided into three main stages:

How to Estimate the Fees When Using Counseling & Psychotherapy Services

The cost of counseling and psychotherapy services will not be fixed at each center and depends on many factors, such as:

When choosing counseling and psychotherapy services, clients need to consider their ability to pay and the time they can spend with the psychologist to make the most suitable choice.

In case you cannot afford these sessions, you can find mental health support hotlines. However, to completely solve psychological problems, you should still consider seeing a psychologist. Being supervised and evaluated by a professional will help you see the problem and find a solution suitable for your own problem. You can discuss your financial situation with the psychologist so that both parties can come up with the best solution.

How Do I Convince My Partner, Family Members, Friends, or Children Who Suspect a Psychological Problem to See the Psychologist?

The quality of counseling and psychotherapy services depends greatly on the level of cooperation and relationship between the client and psychologist. Therefore, when you see that your relatives, friends, or children have noticed changes in mood or behavior or have just experienced a trauma, you may need to discuss with them first how you can help them. Sympathy and sharing from close people still play a big role in people's mental health recovery process.

If your partner, family members, friends, or children are still hesitant or don't want to see the psychologist, you can talk to them to learn more about their concerns or what they're afraid of. Listening to feedback from people who have used the service also helps them make better decisions.

Choosing Counseling & Psychotherapy Services at Vietnam - France Psychology Institute (VFPI)

Vietnam - France Psychology Institute (VFPI) is a leading organization in the field of psychology in Vietnam. VFPI has a team of local and international, well-trained, experienced, and dedicated psychologists that offer clients quality counseling & psychotherapy services in many languages, such as Vietnamese, English, French, and Portuguese.

VFPI strictly follows the principles of confidentiality and professional ethics and constantly improves our skills to provide our partners and clients with the most professional and effective services.

CONFIDENTIALITY: We are committed, at every level and in all aspects of the service we offer, to providing a confidential service to all those who are seeking mental health support. Confidentiality is between the individual and the organization and between the individual and the mental health professional. However, should the information clients share involve risk of bodily harm to themselves or others, our psychologists may be obligated to report the matter to an appropriate authority. This matter, however, will be openly discussed with clients to find the most agreeable approach.

DEDICATION: We are dedicated to maintaining respectful relations with our clients, partners, employees, and shareholders. The well-being of our clients, partners, and staff members is at the heart of everything we do.

PROFESSIONALISM: We strive to deliver the best quality services, complying with professional standards and applicable laws and regulations.

If you suspect yourself having mental health issues or have concerns about the psychotherapies, please contact the hotline at 0977.729.396 today for advice.



HEADQUARTER & PSYCHOTHERAPY CENTER: WINCO Building, 54 Tran Quoc Vuong Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam

PSYCHOTHERAPY CENTER IN HCMC: Landmark Plus, Vinhomes Central Park, 720A Dien Bien Phu Street, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Hotline: 0977.729.396

Mobile: +84 (024)37625838 | +84 (024)32045357

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