Casey Thomason's Blog

This is week 12, that is 3 months or a quarter of a year! They have started to ease restrictions so now we can visit our friends and family in a garden, but we still have to keep 2 meters apart and you can only have a maximum of 8 people. So we can only have 3 visitors from one household in our garden.

We went to play at the raft in the field behind our house. When we were there mum started to read the Ickabog, J.K. Rowling’s newest book. It sounded really good and we only read the fist chapter. There is also a competition, you have to draw a specific thing from the book and she will choose 30 drawings will be put in her book when it gets properly published in November.

Us at the raft throwing and catching a tennis ball with dad while mam reads the book.

We went up Saxavord to put up dad’s hide for watching Bonxies. On the way there we stopped to stroke the ponies. I almost managed to stroke a foal. Once we arrived at Saxavord it was already getting late. In the end dad decided that he wasn’t going to set up the hide.

Me trying to stroke the pony.
Like pony like Foal.

We found a Bonxie nest containing 2 eggs. Once we were up there it was an awesome view, we could see muckle Flugga.

Me, dad, Nula & Corey up Saxavord.

We went for an evening cycle to feed Tighe the pony. We went the long way round, we turned at the junction at Nikkavord Lea. It was an absolutely beautiful evening.

The long cycle to feed Tighe.

Because it was so nice we got out the paddling pool. It started of cold but then when I got out and got in again it was warmer. We filled it with plastic balls from our old ball pit too. Mam carried hot water from the bath room as our hose is only cold water.

Us in the Paddling pool.

We had a picnic lunch. The reason we are all in our onesies is because we put them on after we came out of the paddling pool to get warm.

The picnic lunch.

We went for a walk up da Keen o Hamar to look fir flowers. Dad left us to go back home to get a battery for his camera!

Us on da Keen.

A collage of some of the flowers we found on da Keen.

Top left: cats paw or kidney vetch, Top right: Edmonstons chickweed or Shetland Mouse-Ear which grows nowhere else in the world, Bottom left: Sea pinks or thrift, Bottom right: early purple orchid.

The flower collage.

We visited Anna and Lottie for our first proper Lock down visit. When we were there we went to try and catch Cassy, Anna and Lottie’s very wild caddie lamb. When we finally caught her and when it was my turn to hold her she covered me in poop. }:(

Me, Anna, Lottie, Nula & Corey sitting down after chasing Cassy.

We went on a cycle to Rosie’s house to deliver a card to them from Nula. On the way back we stopped to see Nana. It was a beautiful day.

Going for a cycle.

We went for a walk at Lund, the beach. It was very foggy and very windy. Once we got to the dunes it was sheltered. By the time we got back it was already time for dinner.

On the sand dunes at Lund.

I read How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell to Corey & Nula. I read it in the story corner, the area surrounded by bushes.

Me reading to Corey and Nula.

Me and Corey were both in I’I Shetland. Corey got in for drawing a rainbow for the NHS and I was in because they were doing Shetland babies 10 years later. The only problem was they put Son of Vaila & Brydon, Fetlar!

Corey with his Rainbow.
Me in I’I Shetland.

Mum went to Tesco and bought a fridge full of food!

The fridge full of food.

Nana brought Scones and they were delicious. I had mine with Syrup.

There was an unusual red sky with a rainbow the other night. The rainbow was even pink! I woke up to see the sky but I didn’t see the Rainbow. {:(

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